George Head ShotTo support our Ukraine relief work, Bridge UA founder George Markey is offering 1-hour coaching sessions in exchange for your tax-deductible donation made through our website. In case you are unfamiliar with coaching, a coach helps you identify and clarify your values and goals, figure out what is holding you back, and develop strategies and action steps to move forward. 

George is a certified transformational coach and holds a master’s degree in Ministry and Leadership from Western Seminary. Coaching sessons start at $100, but you can give $200, $250, or your own custom amount. The insights you gain will likely be worth far more, and every dollar you donate will go directly to helping Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced persons.

To schedule a coaching session, email George. To pay for your session, donate here.


Praise for George's coaching:

"George is sharp, to-the-point, fully present, and fully suppportive during coaching conversations. He asks concise and great open-ended questions which evoke, inspire, and empower.”
- Hana C., Education Entrepreneur/Family Coach  

“I started to get the most impact and help from these sessions when George and I started doing them on a regular basis. It would be an understatement to say that the sessions with George helped me. They changed my life. They taught me how to ask myself questions when facing problems. In most cases, you can build a strategy for getting out of difficult situations—you just need to ask the right questions, which is what a coach does. And most importantly, I realized that coaching is not just about finding answers. It’s about understanding where God is leading you now, and that's exactly what I learned.”
-Elijah Y., Video Producer and Church Planter

"What I really like about coaching is that the coach does not give answers…Instead, he asks the right questions to help you get to the bottom of things, understand yourself, and make decisions based on your own conclusions. After coaching with George, I left a job that did not bring me any satisfaction. And my life became much better! … Now I even have the skill to ask myself questions and understand whether I am moving in the right direction. Every time I get stuck in life, I ask myself, ‘What would George ask me?’ So, if your life is chaotic, then I recommend from the bottom of my heart that you start getting coaching (especially with George)!"
-Rebecca Y., Interior Designer

"George created a safe and spacious coaching atmosphere for me to share my hopes and dreams, as well as my regrets and tears. His love for God came through, as love for me, because of how well he embodies 'love your neighbor as yourself.’ Our coaching conversations felt organic, easeful, and profound, which helped me to move step by step ahead on the path. If you’re looking for a gentle, humble coach who cares about you and wants you to succeed, George is your coach."
- Gina M., Communication Coach for Life and Business


CTC Certificate George Markey Spring 2022IMG 0651